Dear Men, here’s what your wife wants (you’re welcome)

Firstly, I’d like to start by saying I know how painful we as women can be. You see, women all around the world almost always want the same thing from their partners, we discuss it with friends, sisters, colleagues, our Mums. We divulge every intricate detail of what we want from our partners to our #galpals but when it comes to you, we lock that shit down and hide it from you like it’s a bigger secret than the Davinci code. Why? Because we’re pains the ass and also because we want you to know on your own what we want without us having to spell it out for you. As if it will somehow make our love stronger if you can just guess what we’re thinking... alas, you never do and we’re left feeling hurt and betrayed because you never did that thing we never told you to do. So, what’s a man to do? I know what you want to do, race to the nearest golf course with your mates, drink some beer, hit some balls and complain about your nagging wife but that is not the answer. You see, we as women work hard (I can feel the eye rolls from here, bear with me) we do, we love you and our children. We love our families, we work so hard night and day to ensure the household runs smoothly, we spend our days covered in children’s feces and vomit, we hear crying and nagging all day long, we juggle errands, children, cleaning, washing, cooking and work. Our minds are always working overtime, we’re the ones who establish routines for the children, we’re the ones who bust our asses everyday to make sure when you come home the house is relaxing, dinner is prepared, the kids are clean, the house is tidy, we look like a hot mess but you can’t have it all. The thing is, while you’re hard at work, so are we, so much goes in to having the household sorted for your arrival home and when you arrive you smile, maybe thank us for dinner, tuck the kids in and unwind but our mind is still going, preparing lunches and mentally preparing to do it all again. I know what you’re thinking, so you want more help? No, not really...I mean in some cases, yes! I’m very lucky that my husband would and does help and a lot of men these days do, but that’s not exactly what we want. You see, we’re good at what we do and we’re proud of how we do it and I’m only generalising when I say... Most men couldn’t or rather wouldn’t want to do what we do. It’s built into us (well, most of us...I can hear the feminists clutching their pitch forks and chanting #wewantequality) we want, (well, I want) to nurture and care for our families, what we want from you, is APPRECIATION. We want to hear the words that we’ve done a great job, how proud you are. To appreciate the effort that goes in to the hours before your arrival home, to know that what we do is noticed and means something to you. To know that at the end of the day, when our hair is a mess, were covered in god knows what, that someone cares and someone is grateful, I know the 3ft soul suckers aren’t too appreciative so hopefully you are. Don’t get me wrong; an offer to cook dinner, do the dishes, some flowers, a massage, a cheeky slap on the butt and telling us we look pretty, wouldn’t go astray either, but most importantly don’t forget to tell us how much you appreciate us and what we do to make our house a #home