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The fight for equality has resulted in the demise of chivalry

There I said it. Kill me!

Firstly, let me begin by saying I absolutely believe in equality. I one hundred percent believe that salaries should be equal, I believe that rights should be equal, I believe that the objectification and sexualization of women needs to cease. I believe a mutual respect for both men and women is required but that’s not what this is about....

This is about energies, yin & yang, since the dawn of time men and women have been subconsciously governed by a cosmic duality, sets of two opposing yet complementing principles. The push for equality has created an imbalance of masculine and feminine energies within romantic relationships.

Both energies exist within us all, generally speaking men possess a greater masculine energy as the providers, protectors, logical thinkers and problem solvers. Women possess higher feminine energy, caring, nurturing, affectionate, emotional and intuitive.

Men naturally crave and desire the need to protect and provide, it makes them feel good. When a BETA female presents a problem to an ALPHA male it is embedded deep within him to want to help her and use his logic and problems solving tools to counteract her emotional response to a situation. When a woman asks a man for help it ignites his masculine energy and he comes alive at the opportunity to find a solution to ‘fix’ it for her and in doing so makes him feel as if he is able to fulfill his natural desire to provide and protect both physically and emotionally.

Gone are the days of chivalry and who is up in arms about that?! US, WOMEN!!! Buttt, if we really take a step back and consider OUR attitude toward men it might actually make more sense. Wait, before you burn me in your besties group chat, hear me out!...

I mean, why would he open the car door for you? Why would he drive and pick you up? Why would he foot the bill?! You’re a capable #independent woman who can do it all herself he knows this because you’ve made it very clear in the courting stage that #youdon’tneednoman cue *finger click and hair toss* which he respects but is now at a loss in the sense he doesn’t know how he can woo you, sweep you off your feet, because they’re firmly planted, featuring hands on hips and a tough exterior that screams DO YOUR BEST. We have worked so hard to prove that we don’t need a man, men now don’t believe we need them either, thus creating the imbalance.

With such emphasis now placed on girls and women that they can do anything a man can has well and truly been grasped. Women truly are doing it ALL on their own and so fiercely independently at that. Demonstrating any sign of femininity is almost seen as weakness.

I am very much working on and encourage all women to embrace their divine femininity and sexuality and learn, how this energy sets us apart from men. To appreciate what strength and power that holds and when harnessed properly, what a complementing component it is to a masculine energy. It is highly important to maintain your own level of masculine energy but perhaps if we allow men to step into theirs and allow ourselves to slightly fall back into our feminine. Accept the compliment, allow him to foot the bill if he insists, ask him for help fixing something around the house, communicate your problems with him, and be open to accepting his solutions. He knows he needs you, your affection, your caring nature, let him know you need him too. Allow yourselves to be vulnerable, accept each other for the unique traits you naturally posses to create a harmonious & compatible dynamic. - Breigh Bonner



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