How I handle anxiety without medication

On a lighter (yet lengthy) note✨after my recent post on #anxiety and a number of concerned messages, I wanted to assure you, I am ok...better than ok 🤗 My anxiety was at it’s worst 10 years ago. I found ways to handle my anxiety without medication, some of you asked how? SO HERE’S WHAT I DO.... 1. BE PRESENT 💫 Sometimes anxiety stems from the fear of ‘what if’ or ‘I should have’ our minds are constantly replaying situations that could have been handled better or preparing for the worst that hasn’t even occurred. Take a step back, breathe and live for the moment. 2. GRATITUDE:🙏 we’re often focussed on all the things we don’t have, social media often makes it impossible for you to be grateful for what you DO have, as you sit scrolling comparing your life to others - remind yourself most people are sharing the VERY BEST of their lives. Not the behind the scenes stuff. Switch your focus and your attitude, instead of focusing on what you don’t have, be thankful for what you do have; your health, your family, supportive friends, your job, the beautiful country we live in. 3. ADDRESS SITUATIONS:☝🏼 This was a big one for me, how often are we involved in awkward/uncomfortable conversation or encounter with someone and following it replay EVERY single word, I would overthink everything I said, everything I did. I hated myself for the way I handled it and the things I regretted saying. I would punish myself for days. Address the situation, speak to the person, clear up anything you’re worried about, be honest and genuine and explain how you feel. I guarantee you’ll feel a million times better. 4. DIET & EXERCISE: 💪🏼 take control of what you’re putting into your body and get your body moving - don’t get me wrong I’m certainly no fitness expert and wouldn’t even know where to begin in a gym but even a 15-20min walk helps to clear your mind. Drink plenty of water and most importantly, don’t SKIP meals. Eat frequently, eat well... within moderation of course - Allow yourself to enjoy the foods you love, but make sure you’re doing the right thing by your body. The times I’ve felt my worst have been times my diet has been attricous and it becomes a vicious cycle, (feel bad, eat bad) 5. MEDITATION & VITAMIN D: ☀️🍃: allow yourself even 5-10mins per day of sunshine, you’d be surprised how quickly your mood and mindset shifts when you spend some time in the sun. If you’re able to meditate outdoors I find this really effective. Lastly, breathe... not everyday will be this simple, not everyday will these techniques work I still suffer from tough days, I remind myself they’re temporary and don’t allow myself to feel overwhelmed by it. I accept it, I feel it and I let it pass. If medication is what works for you, stick with it. When you’re happy on the inside you’ll glow on the outside ✨🙏